Now you can brand our national award winning "Interpreters Save Lives" 90-second Public Service Announcement with your own logo for placement on your organization's website. Complete our Contact form and a representative will contact you.
PSA, Positive Feedback
Fluency has given permission to TAHIT, IMIA and others to use this short, powerful, video about the frustration that patients feel when no one speaks their language. Using an English speaker surrounded by non-English speakers (actually they are speaking Esperanto), makes the point for anyone who speaks English.
I showed it recently at Bangkok Hospital and interpreters there were very moved.
Thank you Fluency and Bill Glasser.
Barry Fatland
Bridging The Gap Manager
Cross Cultural Health Care Program. Seattle, WA.
It is indeed a great video! I've suggested using it where I work for provider enlightenment. I hope one day it will be taken up and used!
Suzanna Reiss-Koncar, MPH, CHI
San Francisco, CA.